okay I know the title is little bit too much but it would be the very last if you really despite me.
Hey, you, yeah, you !
The one who I've been walked in and out to.
I know it's hard on you
But it's hard on me too
May I have your attention?
To tell something that never been mentioned.
I will use Indonesan instead of english. Oh well yeah maybe I can use both :)
Aku tahu akhir-akhir ini aku terlalu banyak naruh beban di kamu.
Walking in and out that easily from your life. Bener-bener jahat tapi sebenernya aku punya alasan khusus.
Setelah aku nyuruh kamu dengerin lagunya Drake, kamu kan malah desperately said "kalo mau jalan, ya, ayo." Waktu itu aku bener-bener bingung harus ngapain.. So my decision was to say no to you and that decision makes me look like and arrogant bahkan mungkin kelihatan seperti aku sudah oke. Tapi bukan karena itu, ada masalah di rumah yang menguras pikiran. Kepalaku nggak sesimpel itu buat bilang 'iya'. Jadi aku nggak mau memutuskan gitu aja dengan kepala yang rumit.
And about the day when I didnt reply your text. It wasn't because I want to ignore you tapi memang karena aku nggak ada pulsa.
So yeah here is the end. I can't believe this is my first time I'm revealing the truth-no-I mean my true feeling. I'm not good at speaking directly so that's the reason why this is made. This post has no particular reason to be made. I just want to make anything clear and straight.
I do wish for you to be happy and healthy.
Please live happily