October 01, 2012

The Mountain or The Beach?

"What do you like better; Mountain or Beaches?"
And I knew it was going to be Mountain. I know he doesn't like to be under the sunlight. His answer was sort of something that makes me slightly happy. I prefer to go to the Mountain rather than to the beach. I like cold better than hot and maybe so does he.

That question led us to a conversation that we shouldn't ever have. Maybe he would have one of these convo but just not with me, it's definitely not right. Technically I was the one who started first but then he asked where I wanted to go for honeymoon when I got married someday. Casually, I answered that I had always wanted to travel around Europe, especially Italy and unwittingly I changed the subject from 'I' to 'We'.

I said, "We could do a culinary trip to Italy and maybe drop by to Venezuela just to experience Gondola."
He too agreed with me because after that he told me that he would like to travel to Europe as well so he couldn't agree more with my future-plan.

Secretly I asked to my self. What is he doing? Why would he talk about a future with me, I mean, with someone that he has nothing to do with someday when he grows up? Does he really mean it? Does he really want to go around the world, riding a Gondola, eating italian cuisine? I mean WITH JUST ME?

Where would I find the answers? I decided to agree with 'He just playing around. He's faking it." But still, when someone talk about his future which you are not exactly gonna be part of it, How would you feel about it? I chose to be blunt.

After that we babbled a lot about our fake future plan. He said that we could go to the Italy just to eat and then took some romantic walk and yes, he didn't forget about the mountain part. He chose to stay in a private bungalow at the forest, on one of those mountain in Europe. He had a great taste for a place to stay but we didn't even know wether there is a mountain in europe or not but yeah I mean we are faking it you know!

Up until this moment when I'm typing this random post, I still don't know how I feel about that conversation. I mean yes it's confusing. but maybe it's better to just let it be. let the confusing thing to go find its answer while I don't know what to do.

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